
The 6th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking





The Sixth International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking (HotPOST 2014) is organized with the objective of bringing together researchers working on the intersection of P2P and OSN to present and discuss their latest research results and ideas, thereby promoting the development and evolution of this area. All submissions on P2P and OSN related to architecture, design, implementation, simulation, analysis and measurement are welcomed. We highly encourage novel and innovative previously unpublished work, even reporting work in early stage.

The workshop will be held in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS.

  • Submission deadline: 25th February, 2014 (extended)
  • Authors notification: 17th March, 2014
  • Camera-ready: 14th April, 2014
  • Workshop: 30th June, 2014


Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are widely used in today's Internet and produce a significant portion of its traffic. The increasing penetration of wireless technologies, the popularity of mobile and handheld devices, and the rapid growth of their user base call for innovative algorithms, protocols, and applications that benefit from infrastructure-less P2P technologies to support ever-increasing demand.

By attracting more than half a billion users worldwide, online social networks (OSNs) provide a new venue of innovation with many challenging and practical research problems. In particular, more and more P2P applications involve social information to enhance the user experience. Also, P2P-based solutions play an important role in preventing OSNs from privacy violations.

Papers accepted for HotPOST 2014 workshop will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. All accepted papers will be included in IEEE ICDCS 2014 workshop proceedings, as well as IEEE Xplore (indexed by EI). The technical program committee will select one winner for the Best Paper Award and one winner for the Best Paper Runner-up.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to

  • Social network analysis for P2P and distributed computing systems
  • OSN-based systems and designs
  • · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
  • P2P-based solutions to cloud computing and data center problems
  • P2P-based measurements
  • Evolution of P2P communities and systems
  • Reputation, security, incentives, and economics in P2P systems
  • Large scale content distribution
  • Mobile P2P and social networking systems
  • P2P overlays, file sharing, and streaming systems
  • User behavior analysis and modeling in OSNs
  • Security and privacy in OSNs
  • Evolutions and dynamics of OSNs and their implications
  • Decentralized OSN Applications
  • Social graph analysis
  • P2P and OSN in information-centric networking


Authors are encouraged to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished, complete research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas of P2P/OSN. Papers must be submitted electronically in EasyChair. Papers should be submitted as PDF files, using the IEEE proceedings template or equivalent format (two column, 10 point, single-spaced, US Letter, no margin smaller than one inch).

The maximum size of papers should be 6 pages including tables and figures with up to 1 over-length page. Extra page charge is $150. Each submission will receive at least three independent blind reviews from the TPC. At least one of the authors of every accepted paper must register and present their work at the workshop.

The technical program committee will select one winner for the Best Paper Award and one winner for the Best Paper Runner-up.
Deadline for paper submission is sub免费网络加速器怎么样.
Download Word/LaTeX template
Submit your paper via EasyChair

Camera-Ready Version

Note that the final submission has a 10 page limit, with the possibility of 2 extra pages ($100 each). This means that your camera-ready paper is allowed to be longer compared to the original submission.
To submit the camera-ready version of your paper, please follow the Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions.
Deadline for the submission is 14th April, 2014.


Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica I+D, S.A.U., Spain

Title of the keynote: Quantifying the customer value in online services

Online services typically serve a wide range of customers with varying characteristics. Each customer has a unique pattern regarding when, what and how much services she accesses, who she interacts with, how much revenues she generates, etc. Engineering a successful online service requires a deep understanding of its customers in order to efficiently allocate the available resources. In this talk I will examine various dimensions that determine the value of an individual customer: from cost and service affinity to social influence. Using data from a cellular service provider I will demonstrate how user-profiling can help the provider to better manage its costs and revenues and ultimately increase its profitability. I will close by discussing possible directions on how user-centric design can benefit other online services such as online gaming or content delivery.

Rade Stanojevic obtained his B.Sc. in Mathematics from University of Nis, Serbia and a Ph.D. from Hamilton Institute, NUIM, Ireland. His current research interests span network economics and performance evaluation. His work on decentralized cloud control has been awarded the ACM SIGMETRICS 2008 Kenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper Award and the IEEE IWQoS 2009 Best Paper Award. He was a staff researcher in the IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid. He is a researcher of the Internet Scientific Group of Telefonica.


Best Paper Award
  • Friend or Flood? Social prevention of flooding attacks in mobile opportunistic networks
    Iain Parris and Tristan Henderson from St. Andrews University, UK


09:50 - 10:00 Welcome (Chairs)
10:00 - 11:00 Keynote (Details)
  • Quantifying the customer value in online services
    Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica
11:00 - 12:30 From lower to upper layers
  • Decentralized Adaptive Helper Selection in Multi-channel P2P Streaming Systems
    Seyed Akbar Mostafavi and Mehdi Dehghan
  • Are Circles Communities? A Comparative Analysis of Selective Sharing in Google+
    Steffen Brauer and Thomas Schmidt
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
  • Friend or Flood? Social prevention of flooding attacks in mobile opportunistic networks
    Iain Parris and Tristan Henderson
  • Secure Fallback Authentication and the Trusted Friend Attack
    Ashar Javed, David Bletgen, Florian Kohlar, Markus Dürmuth, and Joerg Schwenk
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00 Content Distribution
  • Socially-optimal ISP-aware P2P Content Distribution via a Primal-Dual Approach
    Jian Zhao and Chuan Wu
  • Let Our Browsers Socialize: Building User-centric Content Communities on WebRTC
    Max Jonas Werner, Christian Vogt, and Thomas C. Schmidt
20:30 Informal Dinner
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General Chairs


  • David Choffnes (Northeastern University, USA)
  • Hamed Haddadi (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)

TPC Chairs

  • Rubén Cuevas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
  • Matthias Wählisch (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

Steering Committee Chair

  • Baoliu Ye (Nanjing University, China)


  • Yang Chen (Duke University, USA)


  • Tianyin Xu (UC San Diego, USA)


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  • Rubén Cuevas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (TPC chair)
  • Bamba Gueye, University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal
  • David Hausheer, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • Volker Hilt, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, Germany
  • Sanghwan Lee, Kookmin University, Korea
  • Yannick Le Louedec, Orange Labs, France
  • Ang Li, Arista Networks, USA
  • Cristian Lumezanu, NEC Laboratories, USA
  • Aziz Mohaisen, Verisign Labs, USA
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  • Ángel Cuevas Rumín, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Nishanth Sastry, King's College London, UK
  • Michael Sirivianos, Cyprus University of Technology, Greece
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  • · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
  • · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
  • Matteo Varvello, Bell-Labs, USA
  • Feng Wang, University of Mississippi, USA
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  • 江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...
  • Matthias Wählisch, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (TPC chair)
  • Eiko Yoneki, University of Cambridge, UK



The fifth edition of this workshop was held in Philadelphia, USA, in conjunction with ICDCS 2013.

  • 去年四季度诺基亚业绩增长盈利提升 发展势头良好 ...:2021-2-14 · 诺基亚与高通宣布在毫米波与sub-6 GHz频段顺利完成5G NR 数据通话测试,进一步加速全球运营商网络实现5G部署。 诺基亚携手中国移动研究院联合发布业界首个具有定位功能的5G 室分融合组网创新方案,可满足大型繁忙建筑内的5G连接需求,并降低运营商的部署成本。
  • Accepted papers were published by the IEEE-CS Conference Publishing Services (CPS), in proceedings of ICDCS 2013 workshops.
  • IEEE Fellow Dr. Jie Wu from Temple University gave a keynote talk titled "Algorithmic Crowdsourcing".

  • Best Paper Award: "Yelp Events: Making Bricks Without Clay?", authored by Jaime Ballesteros, Bogdan Carbunar, Mahmudur Rahman, Naphtali Rishe (Florida International University, USA).
  • Best Paper Runner-up Award: "Ensuring Beta-Availability in P2P Social Networks", authored by Nashid Shahriar (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Tehcnology, Bangladesh), Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury (University of Waterloo, Canada), Mahfuza Sharmin (University of Maryland, College Park, USA), Reaz Ahmed, Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada), Bertrand Mathieu (Orange Labs, France)


江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...

  • Every submission has received 3-7 detailed reviews. 7 papers out of 18 submissions were selected for the technical program.
  • Accepted papers were published by the IEEE-CS Conference Publishing Services (CPS), in proceedings of ICDCS 2012 workshops.
  • Keynote talk by Dr. K. K. Ramakrishnan (IEEE Fellow, AT&T Fellow) from AT&T Labs Research: The Role of P2P for Service Provider-Mediated VoD.

  • Best Paper Award: "Exploring the Sustainability of Credit-incentivized Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution", authored by Xuanjia Qiu, Wei Huang, Chuan Wu (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Zongpeng Li (University of Calgary, Canada), Francis C.M. Lau (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong).


The third edition of this workshop was held in Tainan, Taiwan in 2011.

  • 9 papers from 7 countries/regions were selected for HotPOST'11.
  • · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to
  • 71名政协委员联名建议:广西应抢占区块链发展高地-广西新闻网:2021-1-30 · 71名政协委员联名建议—— 广西应抢占区块链发展高地 广西新闻网-广西日报记者 王春楠 今年的自治区两会上,有一件提案人气特别高,多达71名 ...

  • 去年四季度诺基亚业绩增长盈利提升 发展势头良好 ...:2021-2-14 · 诺基亚与高通宣布在毫米波与sub-6 GHz频段顺利完成5G NR 数据通话测试,进一步加速全球运营商网络实现5G部署。 诺基亚携手中国移动研究院联合发布业界首个具有定位功能的5G 室分融合组网创新方案,可满足大型繁忙建筑内的5G连接需求,并降低运营商的部署成本。


The second edition of this workshop was held in Shanghai, China in 2010.

  • 10 papers out of 26 submissions were selected (rate 38.5%), including both traditional topics and new emerging topics.
  • 23 authors from 8 countries/regions.
  • Extended version of selected outstanding papers were recommended for fast track publication in the IET Communications (SCI Index, IF=0.963).
  • Accepted papers were published by IEEE, in proceedings of ICPADS 2010.

  • Best Paper Award: "Small-World Social Relationship Awareness in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks" Hao Liao, Kuo-Chan Huang, Hung-Chang Hsiao (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan).


The first edition of this workshop was held in St.-Petersburg, Russia in 2009.

  • 12 papers from 9 countries/regions were presented.
  • Accepted papers were published by IEEE, in proceedings of ICUMT 2009.



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